Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New Diabetes Plate For Diabetes

The Long Time Government Food Pyramid Replaced by a Food Plate Showing Portions Sizes, Has Been Matched With A "Menu That Works" Plate For Those With Diabetes

The dropping of the long time food pyramid by the USDA and replacing with a food plate, has been quickly matched for Diabetics who had their own tailored food pyramid.

The long term USDA Pyramid was long considered by many, almost exactly upside down for Diabetics.

The Diabetes Newspaper, Diabetes Cure 101, has been publishing a diabetic food Pyramid for seven years, has also updated their information with a Diabetes Plate showing what foods "work for Diabetics.

Just out, this diabetic plate shows precisely what foods work for a diabetic without medication, none being necessary. Unlike the USDA food plate, portion size is not involved and diabetics can eat these specific foods, (no measuring) all you want whenever you want.

On the blog at new diabetes destroyer is featured in the latest issue ,Both sources showing the new plate comparison to the previous diabetes pyramid.

This issue also exposes the expected coming onslaught of medical doctors deserting the standard diabetes treatment, since 1993, an intensive drug prescriptions treatment to lower and control blood sugar levels for diabetics.

Recent government diabetes studies, including the Accord study, were stopped for humane reasons, because of those on intensive diabetes drug treatment to control blood sugar were dying early.

Both large studies were stopped after the third year because of the higher rate of death of those with blood sugar lowered the most with drugs.

Late figures released have shown the longest Accord study survivors were diabetics with the highest blood sugar levels and that had done little or nothing to lower it.

The new diabetes plate shows the menu of foods used to control blood sugar without medication. Food that has been proven to work doing just that, according to the newspaper publisher, Harlan Jacobsen. himself an 82 year old diabetic that has followed the menu for seven years. He had a 10.5 A1c when on medication, and now has a 5.9 off all medications for seven years.

This reading means you are no longer qualified as even a "pre diabetic." Qualifying as a Diabetic starts at 6.5.

Readers report losing all excess weight within a year Jacobsen claims, but that is just a side effect of automatically and effortlessly controlling your blood sugar with this diabetes plate food list. All delicious standard food a diabetics body can still cope with, all with out the need for any life shortening medications.

Diabetes Editor Jacobsen believes the new diabetes plate will be found useful and good timing for those in the profession who want to get their diabetes patients off of the proven as "life shortening" protocol of blood glucose lowering medications, just as soon as possible.

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