Monday, February 2, 2015

Study Result – Testosterone Boost Can Be Usage to Prevent Diabetes

Testosterone Boost Can Be Usage to Prevent Diabetes
Start a world-first study, the Australian researchers aim to help men in preventing diabetes and lose weight. They use testosterone in order to look at the potential benefits of treating men. Through Weight watchers, the $4.8 million study give the men a testosterone supplements in combination with a committed weight-loss program.

There are up to 1500 Australian men who join to the program. Most of them are aged 50-74 and at risk of developing type of 2 diabetes. They come from New South Wales, Victoria, States of South Australia and also Western Australia.

 The professor from the University of Adelaide’s School of Medicine, the leader of study, Gary Wittert said, when men get older and start to gain weight and larger around the belly, they suffer from reduced testosterone levels.

For men’s health, lower testosterone has many implications, such as lack of sexual function and reduced motivation to exercise. They are associated with type 2 diabetes closely. This type of diabetes is a massive health liability for Australia.

Testosterone supplements will help them to see sustained reductions in weight since they will be on a dedicated weight-loss program and also will reduce a chance to develop type-2 diabetes.

Weight watchers can be accessed by men who sign up for the study and can follow the program. They don’t need to come to any place to follow the programs. All programs will be available online which is ideal for men who choose not to join a weight loss group.Study Result 700x640 Study Result   Testosterone Boost Can Be Usage to Prevent Diabetes

For those who take part in it will have a range of other health benefits, because the study will be conducted over at least two year of the participants’ lives, according to Professor Wittert.

Older men who are at risk of diabetes now and have developed a large belly will have a life-changing event and can improve their lives and do something about their weight. The important results of the study could give the benefit for many others in the future.

The study is funded by National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and well known as T4DM (Testosterone 4 the prevention of Diabetes Mellitus).