Sunday, December 28, 2014

Tips On Preventing Diabetes

In some cases there is simply no way to prevent diabetes.

Genetics certainly plays a role in some cases. But as the disease becomes more prevalent in our society, it's estimated that 19 out of every 20 cases are what is known as type 2 diabetes. And this form of diabetes is frequently preventable. Just follow a few simple tips on preventing diabetes and you are well on your way to a longer and healthier life.

Understand first that before you become a diabetic, you will show some symptoms. This stage in the development of the disease is known as pre-diabetes. Do not ignore thesediabetic symptoms and take steps to keep the disease from developing. The steps are relatively easy, but they will have to become part of your lifestyle. Just as your current lifestyle is a habit, make these steps a habit as well.

Start by watching your weight. Yes people who are heavy have a higher risk of developing the disease. What you need to do sounds easier than it actually is. You need to eat less. Do this and watch the pounds gradually fall away. We understand you get hungry and that's normal. Drink a glass of water or a sugar free drink before mealtime. This will help reduce those hunger pains.
Not only should you eat less, but you may need to change what you eat. If your diet consists of a lot of high fat foods, it's time to make a change. Grill or bake you supper instead. Use lower fat items as well. You may not need to eliminate that blob of sour cream you put on your baked potato, but you should at least use low fat sour cream. The same goes for any other spreads you are using like butter, salad dressings etc.

This one will require a little more work, but you should check the Glycemic Index of what you eat. By knowing what is in each food you will be able to better maintain your blood sugars. This can help keep way the beginning of full blown diabetes.

Drink plenty of water. You've probably heard that you should drink 8 glasses every day. Well it's true. But it's not as hard as it sounds. Keep a bottle with you at all times. That means at your desk at work or around the house. If you have it there you will tend to sip on it all day. Do this and you may be shocked at how much you are actually consuming.

We all love to snack. Don't deprive yourself of snacks, just make sure it is healthy. Put away the Milky Way and Snickers and replace them with something else. Fresh fruits and vegetables are great, but there are plenty of healthy snack bars on the market for you to choose from as well. Again, check the label. Some of these items labeled as healthy actually are not.
Do you put milk in your coffee or eat a bowl of cereal in the morning? Maybe you just like to drink a glass of milk. Use skim milk instead of whole milk. Even using 1% milk will be an improvement.

Finally, remember to get some exercise. If this is something you do not do, don't think you need to begin by going out and running a marathon. A simple 15 minute walk every day will ease you into a habit that you can do every day for life. Start moderately, but get some exercise now matter how you choose to do it.

You'll notice that every one of the ideas presented here are the same tips diabetics are given to keep their diabetes under control. But if you start with these tips on preventing diabetes now, you may just keep the disease away before any irreparable damage is done .

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